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About OsterCraft Homes

When Gary Osterholm started building homes in 1974, he did so with an unerring eye for detail and perfection. Working with a few select craftsmen, the senior Osterholm built nearly every home from scratch, right down to the kitchen cabinets. This was common practice for a number of years, until he reached the point where he had grown enough to take the business to the next level.

Gary and his son, Jeremy, have helped OsterCraft Homes grow over the years from a small family-owned and operated business to one of the oldest and most successful building companies in the local Portland metropolitan area today. Award-winning OsterCraft Homes specializes in row houses, condos, single-family residences and custom homes. The company's decades-old practice of imbuing quality into the construction process sets the company apart from other local builders.

The majority of the homes OsterCraft constructs are built on spec, using stock models, but also adjusting the floor plans to maximize interior space or to emphasize a lot's natural attributes like a view or green space. Building custom homes is equally enjoyable, and mostly done on a referral basis. On custom homes OsterCraft takes the time to work with the home buyer and designers to create the perfect plan.

OsterCraft Homes is well-known among local businesses. Whether purchasing and designing a plan or buying lumber, the Osterholms are well respected within the Portland metropolitan community.

Dan Nearents, sales rep for the Milwaukie Lumber Company, has worked personally with Jeremy for more than 15 years. “I knew him when he first started out with his dad. OsterCraft is a class-act company, very professional,” he says. “Jeremy and his dad are just really good people. The quality of workmanship that OsterCraft puts into their homes is excellent. They are one of the top builders in the Portland area as far as quality and business ethics go; they stand behind what they sell.”

“They are really friendly, good-to-work-with people,” says Brian Massie, owner of Massey Home Design. “I’ve never heard a bad word about them,” he says, adding that he has seen positive coverage about OsterCraft in The Oregonian and other publications.

Curt Broadhurst of A-1 Linoleum has worked with OsterCraft for the last 20 years. “They have been great to work with,” says Curt. “They’re very organized; they put out a good product, with good materials. They don’t skimp. Jeremy focuses on the end users – he works with homeowners to change the floor plan – and keeps up with the construction aspect.”

OsterCraft Homes builds a wide range of homes that truly offer a unique blend of exceptional quality and creative design, setting the company apart from other local builders.

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